QEP: Mindset Matters

The goal of Galveston College’s Quality Enhancement Plan (QEP), Mindset Matters, is to improve student success by cultivating an environment where students thrive academically and feel connected, thereby improving first-year credit momentum and program completion. Through the support of a first-year experience program we want part-time students to complete 15 credits/year and full-time students to complete 30 credits/year.qep

Accelerated credit momentum—the number of credits earned toward degree completion—will be achieved by fostering a supportive campus culture (belonging) where first-year students believe they are capable of learning and overcoming obstacles (academic growth mindset). This will lead to increased help-seeking behaviors and engagement with college support resources, thus improving student success and credit momentum.

Three strategies, identified through research, will be implemented to achieve these goals:

  • Strategy 1: First-year learning communities will connect students to their Whitecaps community, foster academic growth mindset, and familiarize students with college-support resources.
  • Strategy 2: Credit support infrastructure will create institutional practices to support and celebrate credit momentum goals.
  • Strategy 3: A messaging campaign will reinforce the benefits of credit momentum, encourage use of college resources, and support a college culture of academic growth mindset and belonging.

Building on Galveston College’s strong assessment foundation, this initiative will evaluate program progress with four Student Success Outcomes (SSOs) using a mixed-methods approach (direct/indirect, quantitative/qualitative, and formative/summative).

  • SSO 1 Credit Momentum: First-year students will successfully complete at least 15 hours (part-time students) or 30 hours (full-time students) toward their degree plan.
  • SSO 2 Connection & Belonging: First-year students will report feeling supported by and connected to the Galveston College community.
  • SSO 3 Academic Growth Mindset: First-year students will believe they can increase their intelligence and abilities, and will apply growth mindset strategies toward achieving their academic goals.
  • SSO 4 College Support Resources: First-year students will use college support resources to increase their academic success.

The problem of credit momentum was identified through ongoing institutional assessment. Faculty, staff, and students engaged in presentations, discussions, and surveys which culminated in the selection of First-Year Experience as the best means for addressing credit momentum. With multiple college initiatives working to improve first-year experience offerings, the topic was further distilled to one facet of a first-year experience—learning communities—along with institutional support and messaging to improve credit momentum.

Mindset Matters aligns with the core values and strategic plan of Galveston College, and ample resources have been dedicated to increasing student success through credit momentum. Mindset does matter! With a shift in mindset and the support of a college community, students will have more confidence in their abilities and will more efficiently achieve their goals.

If you have questions about our QEP, or you are a faculty member or student interested in participating in a learning community, please contact the QEP Director, Janene Davison.