Galveston College Nursing Pathway Vocational Nursing

The primary role of the licensed vocational nurse is to provide nursing care in structured healthcare settings, under the direction of a registered nurse or licensed physician, for clients experiencing common, well-defined problems with predictable outcomes.The VN graduate is eligible to take the National Council Licensure Examination (NCLEX-PN). The program is designed to be completed within one calendar year. The curriculum is based on sequential learning; therefore, a student must have a grade of “C” or better in all courses to progress to the next sequence of Vocational Nursing courses. The Vocational Nursing program is approved by the Texas Board of Nursing.



Beginning January 28, 2021, students are required to take the TEAS at an authorized testing center such as Galveston College.

The test cannot be taken at home, regardless of whether security monitoring is available.

Thank you for your attention to this important matter.

PrepSTEP Online Practice Tests

1. Does Galveston College Nursing Programs have more than one program start a year?

No, our programs only begin once every Summer semester (VN and Transition) and Fall semester (ADN). We do not have a Spring semester start.

2. What semester does the ADN/VN/Transition Program start?

The VN and Transition program begins in the Summer Semester (June). The ADN program begins in the Fall Semester (August).

3. When can I apply to the ADN/VN/Transition Program?

You may apply during the application period which is from January 6th to March 14th for the 2025-2026 school year. It is advised to start this process early.

4. What all is required to turn in an application for the Nursing Program?

  • Applied for General Admission to Galveston College for the semester/year your program begins in or be a currently accepted student.
  • Current Basic Life Support Healthcare Provider Level CPR card from the American Heart Association.
  • Proof that the student has started their Hepatitis B immunization series
  • Current TEAS scores (within 1 year of application date).
  • Current official transcripts (from all schools) turned into Admissions Department. Unofficial transcripts are required with Nursing application.
  • Meets required overall GPA and pre-requisite GPA for the program you are applying for.
  • Enrolled or completed all pre-requisite courses for your chosen program.

5. Can I turn in an application after the date of the deadline?Applicants who turn in an application after the deadline will be reviewed on a case by case basis and will be marked “LATE”. Late applications will only be considered AFTER all on-time applications have been reviewed.

6. How does Galveston College decide acceptance into the Nursing Programs?

Students must first meet Galveston College general acceptance requirements. Students must then meet the ADN, Transition or VN Program requirements. Once the program requirements are met, acceptance is based on meeting the required GPA and TEAS scores, and is based on a point scale. Not all applicants will gain acceptance into the Nursing Programs as they are highly competitive.

7. Can I be accepted into the program with just the pre-requisite courses?

It is recommended that all non-nursing courses be complete or in progress to allow the students to concentrate on nursing course work.

8. How many students do you accept?

Generally, we accept about up to 60 ADN students, up to 20 VN students, and up to 16 Transition students.

9. Can I be enrolled in pre-requisite courses and still turn in an application?

Yes. You would be placed on a wait list until your final pre-requisite course grade has posted.

10. Is there a required GPA for acceptance into the Nursing programs?

Yes. For ADN you must have a cumulative GPA of 3.0 for all courses included in the ADN program curriculum (same for transition students). For VN you must have a cumulative GPA of 2.7 for all courses included in the VN program Curriculum.

11. What is the required entrance exam for the Nursing programs?

We require the ATI TEAS Test for the ADN and VN programs.Please see the site for more information.

12. When will I know the decision of my acceptance into the Nursing Program?

We have two rounds of acceptance letters. The first round will be sent no later than April 30th. The second and final acceptance letter is sent out right after Spring grades have been posted in May. Students who receive waitlist letters during the first round will get a final decision (acceptance or non-acceptance) during the second series of letters.

13. Can I transfer pre-requisite or nursing courses from another college/university?

Varies case by case. Your previous college/university must be accredited by one of the following regional accrediting commissions:

  • EH – New England Association of Schools and Colleges, Commission on Institutions of
    Higher Education
  • M – Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools, Commission on Higher Education
  • NH – Higher Learning Commission, North Central Association
  • NW – Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities
  • SC – Southern Association of Colleges and Schools, Commission on Colleges
  • WC – Western Association of Schools and Colleges, Accrediting Commission for Senior
    Colleges and Universities
  • WJ – Western Association of Schools and Colleges, Accrediting Commission for
    Community and Junior Colleges

If your school is not accredited by one of the commissions listed above, the credit will not be accepted at Galveston College. It will be determined first by the Admission’s Department whether courses will transfer. Other course acceptance may be decided by the Director of Nursing or the Nursing Admission and Progression Committee.

14. Can I transfer into Galveston College’s Nursing Program if I failed out of my current Nursing Program?

Students who fail any RNSG course with an attached clinical course at another college, and wish to transfer to a nursing program at Galveston College must apply for admission to the college and program. Acceptance to the program will be on a space available bases after meeting the criteria for admission. Students with a total of two failures in nursing courses may apply following a period of two (2) years. Transfer students must start at the original point of entry (1st semester or transition), if they apply after one year of failing at another institution. Transcripts may not reflect more than one “D” or “F” in any nursing course from another college or university.

15. Do any courses expire after a certain amount of time?

Yes. All science courses and the math requirement must be within 5 years of starting the program. Health Assessment and Pharmacology must be within 24 months of starting the program.

16. If I have a criminal background or something on my permanent record, can I be accepted into the Nursing Programs?

The Board of Nursing (BON) requires that the licensure eligibility for an applicant be determined prior to enrolling in a nursing program. An initial screening is done with Castle Branch. Next, once you apply to the program, the nursing program is required to send your name and social security number on a roster of new potential students to the BON. You will then receive an email and instructions from IdentoGO to schedule a fingerprint appointment. Based on the results of your criminal background check, the BON will notify you if you must submit a Declaratory Order to determine your eligibility to take the Licensure exam.

17. What is a Declaratory Order (DO)?

A petition for Declaratory Order is a formal disclosure to the Texas Board of Nursing (TBON) of an outstanding eligibility issue that may prevent an applicant from taking the NCLEX Examination upon completion of a nursing program. The Declaratory Order process permits the Board to make decisions regarding a petitioner’s eligibility for licensure prior to entering or completing a nursing program.

18. When is a Declaratory Order with the Texas Board of Nursing necessary?

If you can answer yes to any of the following questions, you must receive a Letter of Clearance from the Texas Board of Nursing before you can begin the Nursing Program.

  • Been convicted of a misdemeanor?
  • Been convicted of a felony?
  • Pled nolo contendere, no contest, or guilty?
  • Received deferred adjudication?
  • Been placed on community supervision or court-ordered probation, whether or not adjudicated guilty?
  • Been sentenced to serve jail or prison time? Court-ordered confinement?
  • Been granted pre-trial diversion?
  • Been arrested or have any pending criminal charges?
  • Been cited or charged with any violation of the law?
  • Been subject of a court-martial; Article 15 violation; or received any form of military judgment/punishment/action?
  • Are you currently the target or subject of a grand jury or governmental agency
  • Has ANY licensing authority refused to issue a license or ever revoked, annulled,canceled? Accepted surrender of, suspended, placed on probation, refused to renew a license, certificate, or multi-state privilege held by you now or previously, or ever fined, censured, reprimanded or otherwise disciplined you?
  • Within the past five (5) years have you been addicted to and/or treated for the use of alcohol or any other drug?
  • Within the past five (5) years have you been diagnosed with, treated, or hospitalized for schizophrenia, and/or psychotic disorders, bipolar disorder, paranoid personality disorder, antisocial personality disorder, or borderline personality disorder?

19. Is a Declaratory Order (DO) clearance letter required to turn in an application?

No. We accept applications as long as you can provide proof that your DO is in progress. You can do this by providing a copy of a Certified Mail receipt from the post office, Return Receipt showing a signature from someone at the Board that your DO has been received, or any correspondence between you and the Board by email.

20. How long will it take to receive my Declaratory Order Letter of Clearance once I have sent in my information to the Texas Board of Nursing? 

It can take several months to receive your letter.

21. Can the Galveston College Nursing Program help me to fill out/complete my Declaratory Order form?

No. The Nursing Program has no hand in the application or clearance of any Declaratory Order required by any student. It is the student’s responsibility to complete the form fully and correctly. If you have questions on how to do this, please contact the Texas Board of Nursing at:
512-305-7400 or at [email protected].

22. What is the approximate cost of the ADN/VN/Transition program?

In District (Galveston Island resident for at least 1 year) the prices are as of Fall 2024.
ADN $11,879
VN $8,865
Transition $10,921
Out of District (Texas resident for at least 1 year) prices are as of Fall 2016.
ADN $13,127
VN $9,825
Transition $11,977
*Cost includes: tuition, course fees, books, general supplies, nursing supplies and uniforms. All courses including pre-requisites. Please be aware the costs for the Nursing Programs are subject to change at any time.

23. After I am accepted into the Nursing Program when can I get immunizations from UTMB Student Health?

Students may receive immunizations or treatment at UTMB Student Health after the first day of class for the semester they are starting (Fall, Spring or Summer).

24. What is Galveston College’s pass rate for the ADN/VN program?

You can go to the Texas Board of Nursing web page at, type in the search box “Program Pass Rate,” you will see a link titled: “NCLEX – VN/PN Pass Rates for the Last 5 Years by Program” or “NCLEX – RN Pass Rates of Last 5 years by Program”. You can compare all local Nursing Programs in this link.

25. What is special about Galveston College’s Nursing Programs compared to others in Texas?

The relationship with the faculty. We have a small student to teacher ratio at Galveston College which allows faculty and students to build strong relationships.

Level Two Certificate Program
The Vocational Nursing program is a 46-credit-hour curriculum leading to a certificate in Vocational Nursing in the State of Texas.
The primary role of the licensed vocational nurse is to provide nursing care in structured health care settings, under the direction of a registered nurse or licensed physician, for clients experiencing common, well-defined problems with predictable outcomes.  The graduate is eligible to take the NCLEX-PN licensure examination.  The program is designed to be completed within one calendar year after completing prerequisites and acceptance into the program.  The curriculum is based on sequential learning; therefore, a student must have a grade of “C” or better in all courses to progress to the next sequence of VNSG courses.  The Vocational Nursing program is approved by the Texas Board of Nursing, 333 Guadalupe Street, Suite 3-460, Austin, Texas 78701-3944. 

The faculty of the Galveston College Vocational Nursing program are acutely aware of their mission to move students from novice learner to professional healthcare provider. The Vocational Nursing program graduate is expected to demonstrate certain skills that reflect a professional demeanor. The program prepares the graduate to be a:
Member of the Profession
  1. Function within the nurse’s legal scope of practice and in accordance with the policies and procedures of the employing healthcare institution or practice.
  2. Apply a working knowledge of patient’s rights, protecting the rights and dignity of the patient and respecting the rights of others to have their own value system.

Provider of Patient-Centered Care

  1. Utilize the nursing process, evidenced based practice and a commitment to caring for culturally diverse patients across the lifespan and wellness-illness continuum.
  2. Use clinical reasoning and a problem-solving approach as the basis for decision making in practice, based on application of scientific principles and clinical data.
  3. Provide patient centered nursing care for patients in structured healthcare settings who are experiencing common, well-defined health problems with predictable outcomes.
  4. Demonstrate responsibility and accountability for the quality of the care provided to patients and their families.
  5. Utilize effective communication and collaborate with patients, families, and interdisciplinary healthcare team members.

Patient Safety Advocate

  1. Adhere to the Texas Nursing Practice Act and Texas State Board of Nursing Rules that emphasize safety.
  2. Accept and make assignments that take into consideration patient safety and organizational policy.

Member of the Healthcare Team

  1. Collaborate in the development and implementation of teaching plans for the patient and their families with common health problems and well defined health learning needs.
  2. Assist in the coordination of human, information, and material resources in providing patient centered care.

All prospective candidates who wish to be admitted to the Vocational Nursing program should contact the Nursing Department. Applicants must:
  1. Complete the requirements for admission to the College. Admission to Galveston College does not guarantee admission to the Vocational Nursing program. 
  2. Satisfactory completion of Texas Success Initiative (TSI) requirements.
  3. Have an overall GPA of 2.7 as well as a GPA of 2.7 on all prerequisite courses for admission consideration. 
  4. Satisfactory completion of BIOL 2401 within five years of the program start date.
  5. Satisfactory completion of an Intermediate Algebra course (MATH 0304) or Foundation of Statistics course (MATH 0308), or a passing placement test score within five years of the program start date.  Mathematics courses are accepted according to Galveston College requirements. 
  6. Be in good standing at Galveston College.
  7. Personally complete the Nursing Program Application.  (This is a separate application from the Galveston College application.)  This application is to be filled out and turned into the Nursing Department. 
  8. Obtain a clear background check. Any LVN applicant who has been convicted of a crime other than a minor traffic violation, or treated for certain mental illnesses and/or chemical dependency must petition the Texas Board of Nursing for a Declaratory Order concerning their eligibility to the NCLEX.
  9. Information about the Declatory Order can be found at and then type Declatory Order in the search window, print form; if the answer to any question 1-5 is “yes” a Declatory Order must be filed.
  10. Provide evidence of first Hepatitis B vaccination prior to the first day of class.  All other immunizations must be complete prior to entering the program.
  11. Prospective applicants will be required to pass an entrance test, as part of the admission criteria. Students must register with the Nursing Department to obtain information about the entrance examination and passing score.  A passing score on the exam is valid for one year.

    Credit Hrs.   
BIOL 2401  Anatomy and Physiology I 4
VNSG 1227  Essentials of Medication Administration


* NOTE: BIOL 2401 and BIOL 2402, Anatomy and Physiology may be substituted for VNSG 1320. VNSG 1320 will not be counted for credit toward LVN to ADN Transition program.  Math – TSI Satisfied in math is NECESSARY to take VNSG-1320.
** MATH 0304 Intermediate Algebra or MATH 0308 Foundation of Statistics is a requirement to be met for admission to the program by placement or course completion according to Galveston College requirements.
Applications will be accepted in the Nursing Department beginning January 5th of each year for the next academic year. Only those prospective students whose files are completed by March 5th will be considered for admission in the summer according to specific criteria. Applicants completing prerequisites by the end of the spring semester may be considered on a space available basis.

Successful applicants will:
  1. Be informed by email of acceptance to the program. All entering students will be required to attend a mandatory nursing orientation for new students. All entering students will be notified by email of the date and time of the mandatory scheduled orientation session.
  2. Submit a completed personal health history form furnished by the UTMB Office of Student Health. Health history and required immunizations will be at student expense.  Immunizations must be completed prior to beginning the program.  
  3. Be certified in (American Heart only) Basic Life Support Health Care Provider (CPR) at program entry and maintain certification throughout the course of study.
  4. Be required to produce a clear drug screening test as directed by the school.
  5. Obtain a clear background check, eligibility letter, or a Declaratory Order from the Texas Board of Nursing.

Students should be advised that permission to take the NCLEX-PN for licensure as a vocational nurse is regulated by the Texas Board of Nursing. Students who have been previously been convicted of a crime other than a minor traffic violation, or have been hospitalized or treated for certain mental illness and/or chemical dependency,may be required to complete a Declatory Order. For further information, students may contact the Texas Board of Nursing in Austin at 512-305-7400.

Students who desire to enter the Galveston College Vocational Nursing program after taking nursing courses at another college or university should contact the Nursing Director. Admission of transfer students is based upon an individual review of previous course work and space availability.
The student desiring transfer credit must:
  1. Meet admission requirements for Galveston College and the Vocational Nursing program including entrance examination.
  2. Currently hold an overall GPA of 2.7, as well as a GPA of 2.7 on all prerequisite courses.
  3. Arrange to have transcripts from all former institutions including high school or a G.E.D. certificate sent to the Admissions Office at Galveston College.
  4. Submit course syllabi for review to the Nursing Director.
  5. Transfer students must complete 18 credit hours on this campus.
  6. Complete examinations and skills check-offs according to the procedure for transfers.
  7. Enter the VN program during the first or second semester.
  8. Complete a minimum of Medical-Surgical Nursing I and II prior to graduation from Galveston College.
  9. Submit clear background check, eligibility letter, or Declaratory Order from the Texas Board of Nursing prior to the first day of class. Students must complete the Nursing Program application (This is a separate application from the Galveston College application.)  This application is to be filed with the Nursing Department.
  10. Comply with any random and/or unannounced drug screening test after acceptance into the nursing program.
  11. Provide evidence of first Hepatitis B vaccination prior to the first day of class.

Grading System and Repetition of Courses
The grading system for the Vocational Nursing program is:
                                A = 93 – 100                                                                                            B = 83-– 92
                                C = 77– 82                                                                                              F = Below 77
The student is required to:
1.    Achieve a grade of “C” (78) or better in all nursing courses required in the VN curriculum to progress in the nursing program.  Grades will not be rounded.
2.    Achieve a grade of “C” or better in all science and general education courses required in the VN curriculum to progress in the nursing program.  Students must complete all concurrent courses within a semester to progress to the next semester.
3.    Complete nursing and science courses in sequence and within a period of five years.  Students are subject to failure or dismissal at any time for documented incidents of unsatisfactory/unsafe clinical performance.
4.    Pass specialty exams at the completion of VNSG courses as outlined in course syllabi.
Students with a grade of “W,” “F,” or “AWN” in any nursing course are dismissed from the VN Program and must re-apply to repeat the course on a space-available basis after meeting the criteria for re-admission.  Students must also satisfy all requirements to remove “scholastic probation” status prior to re-admission.
Students applying for transfer or readmission who do not have any failures in nursing courses will have priority over a student with one nursing failure.
Students with a total of two failures in nursing courses will be dismissed from the VN program. 

Re-admission policies relate to students who are admitted to the Vocational Nursing Program, leave prior to completion and apply to return to the program. Students with a grade of “W,” “F,” or “AWN” in any nursing course are dismissed from the VN program and must re-apply to repeat the course on a space available basis after meeting the criteria for re-admission. Students must also satisfy all requirements to remove “scholastic probation” status prior to re-admission. Re-admission is based upon an individual review of the student’s record and space availability. Students may re-enter the Vocational Nursing program only one time if the reason for exit was failure of a course or courses in the program. Re-admission must be within one (1) year of leaving the program. Students desiring re-admission after one (1) year must complete the entire program.
The applicant must:
  1. Be in good academic standing.
  2. Currently hold an overall GPA of 2.7 as well as a GPA of 2.7 on all prerequisite courses.
  3. Submit a written request to the Admission and Progression Committee.
  4. Satisfactorily complete re-admission requirements identified at the time of exit.
  5. Satisfactorily complete testing re-admission requirements identified for each course.
  6. Submit a clear background check or an approved Texas Board of Nursing Declaratory Order prior to the first day of class.
  7. Be aware that there will be random and/or unannounced drug screening tests after acceptance into the nursing program.
As part of the exit interview, the Nursing faculty and/or Director will identify in writing the exact courses (other than VNSG courses) that the student must complete with a grade of “C” or better to be considered for re-admission. 
The student will be required to complete at least the number of VNSG semester hours in which he received a grade of “W” or “F.” If the student elects to complete more than the required hours and the courses are approved by the faculty, the student will be required to complete each course with a grade of “C” or better.
Vacancies for re-admission students will be awarded on a space-available basis. If the number of students applying exceeds the number of vacancies, the selection will be determined by their cumulative GPA at Galveston College.

Students who fail any nursing courses have two options for transferring/returning to a nursing program at Galveston College.
  1. Apply for admission to the program, taking nursing courses from the beginning of the program. Students requesting to apply in this manner will be required to:
  2. Meet all program admission criteria.
  3. Submit a letter to the Admission and Progression Committee stating what they believe their weaknesses were and how they intend to return as a successful student.
  4. Interview with the Admission and Progression Committee if necessary.
  5. Be aware that students with zero nursing course failures will be considered prior to applicants with one nursing course failures.
Non-academic withdrawals:
Nursing students who are in good academic standing who have withdrawn from the Galveston College Vocational Nursing Certificate program for non-academic reasons may apply for readmission by submitting a request to the Nursing Admission and Progression Committee.

To be eligible for a Level Two Certificate in Vocational Nursing and receive permission to take the NCLEX-PN exam for licensure, students must have:
1.    Successfully completed the prescribed course of study of 46 credit hours.
2.    Met the required passing score on a comprehensive NCLEX-PN readiness exam.
3.    Met any individually prescribed behavior or remediation related requirements.

BIOL 2401 Anatomy & Physiology I 4
VNSG 1227 Essentials of Medication Administration 2
MATH   Math Requirement *


Summer (10 weeks)
VNSG 1400 Nursing in Health & Illness 4
VNSG 1323 Basic Nursing Skills I 3
VNSG 1226 Gerontology 2
VNSG 1160 Clinical (Fundamentals) 1
VNSG 1331 Pharmacology 3



Nursing in Health & Illness II



1360 Clinical (Med-Surg I)



1234 Pediatrics



1161 Clinical Pediatrics



2331 Advanced Nursing Skills



1201 Mental Health & Illness






Spring Semester




Maternal/Neonatal Nursing




Nursing in Health & Illness III



2160 Clinical Pediatrics



1119 Leadership & Professional Development 1







Clinical (Med-Surg II)








1Students can take MATH 0308, 0314, 0324, 0332, 0342, or MATH 0304 within 5 years of starting the program or be TSI complete in math within 5 years of program start or pass any college-level math course (no expiration).

2BIOL 2401 should be taken within 5 years of starting the program. 

*Identifies Capstone course

ONLY ADN ACCREDITING BY:                                                                                           ACEN—Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing
3390 Peachtree Road NE Suite 1400
Atlanta, Georgia 30326
Phone: (404) 975-5000
Fax: (404) 975-5020

The Texas Board of Nursing
333 Guadalupe Suite 3-460
Austin, Texas 78071-3944
Phone: (512) 305-7400


Galveston College provides computer resources for the purpose of accomplishing tasks related to the mission of the college. Authorized users are allowed to use the college's computer resources for school related and incidental purposes, subject to the College’s Computer Use policy and other applicable college policies, and state and federal law. For additional information concerning the College’s computer usage policy and/or procedures, please consult the Galveston College Catalog and/or Student Handbook

It is expected that students will have regular access to their own computer to complete the work in this class. A laptop or notebook (mobile workstation) with the following minimum specifications*:

  • Screen Size: 13” to 15”
  • Display Resolution: 1920 by 1080
  • Memory: 4 GB to 8GB
  • Processor: Intel Core i3 – equivalent or better
  • Hard Drive/Storage: 256GB SSD
  • Keyboard: Standard Integrated Keyboard
  • WIFI: WIFI enabled
  • Other: Integrated webcam, microphone, and speakers**

*Students enrolling in high technology or engineering programs of study should check with their instructor for additional and/or other computer requirements.

**Instead of using your computer’s microphone and speakers when participating in an online discussion in public places (such as the College library), headphones (or earbuds) with an integrated microphone are recommended.

Course Catalog Information

Nursing Student Handbook

Next Steps

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Name Dr. Mary Anna Thomas
Title Nursing Director
Room HS-215
Program Area Nursing
Phone 409-944-1385

[email protected]

Admin Support

Jennifer Prochaska 



Name Angie Hoermann, MSN
Title Program Coordinator
Room HS-213
Program Area Nursing
Phone 409-944-1377

[email protected]

Admin Support

Jennifer Prochaska 




Angie Hoermann

Ext 409-944-11377
Email [email protected]



Questions? Contact Us.

Dr. Mary Anna Thomas
Director of Nursing
[email protected]