Title V Grant

Title V Grant Fuels into Galveston College's Vision: “Building Your Tomorrow”

Galveston College is set to transform its educational landscape with a substantial $3 million Title V grant aimed at improving teaching and advising strategies over the next five years. This ambitious project “Pathway Model For Improved Teaching, Advising, and Transfer at a Hispanic Service Community College” is expected to boost student retention, enrollment revenues, and graduation rates for the years to come.

Project Overview:

  • Redesign 11 high-risk courses through the implementation of a Learning Assistant model
  • Launch a tailored First-Year Experience (FYE) for different transfer pathways, including an online New Student orientation and an 8-week Learning Frameworks Course. This FYE will feature a new Pathway Major Advisor model for proactive advising, alongside upgrades to IT and data analyses capacity for integrated support
  • Establish pathway-specific transfer agreements with regional universities to facilitate student transfers
  • Funds will also support renovation of the Student Success Center to foster collaborative learning

A Title V grant, part of the Higher Education Act, specifically supports Hispanic-Serving Institutions (HSIs) in enhancing their educational capacity and resources. These grants focus on improving academic programs, increasing student access and success, and strengthening institutional financial stability. By providing funding for initiatives such as curriculum development, faculty training, and infrastructure improvements, Title V grants play a crucial role in elevating the quality of education at HSIs, ultimately benefiting all students.

Jean-Jacques N'ganga, Title V Project Director

Phone: 409-944-1319

Email: [email protected]

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Kaela Murray, Pathway Retention Leader & FYE Developer

Phone: 409-944-1221

Email: [email protected]kaela photo

Justina Martin, Title V Faculty Pedalogical Leader

Phone: 409-944-1317

Email: [email protected]


First Year Experience

Learning Assistant Program