Galveston College Allied Health

Computed Tomography

In keeping with the mission and goals of Galveston College, the Computed Tomography program is dedicated to providing a comprehensive, competency-based Computed Tomography curriculum to prepare the graduates with the entry level skills needed to provide quality procedures, superior patient care, and knowledge needed to successfully pass the national ARRT registry on the first attempt as well as to encourage the need for continued lifelong learning.

The Galveston College Computed Tomography Program has a selective admissions process. This process is non-discriminatory on the basis of race, color, national origin, gender, age, qualified disability, marital status, veteran’s status, or sexual orientation in admissions to the program.

Note: It is the student’s responsibility to provide the program director written notification of any changes in contact information.



Name Rayssa Salinas
Title Computed Tomography Program Director
Room HS - 321
Program Area
Computed Tomography
Phone 409-944-1270

[email protected]

Admin Support

Elizabeth Iles



For program information please see the Computed Tomography Technology Criteria tab below or click the link below.

CT Program Information  

Please complete the program application to the Computed Tomography Program. Answers to all items are required. If a question does not pertain to you, simply put NA for the response.



Computed Tomography is a post-associate degree certificate program offered by Galveston College. This course is designed for the cross-trained professional, the new Radiographer, Nuclear Medicine Technologists, and for Radiation Therapy Technologists.

Upon completion of the 16-credit-hour program, the student will be eligible for the American Registry of Radiologic Technologists (ARRT) registry by meeting the minimum required number of scans (125). See
ARRT Website for more details. This program can also be counted as CE credit and is worth 16 CEs per credit hour according to the ARRT. 

Computed Tomography (CT) is a branch of radiology that employs specialized radiography equipment to produce sectional images of the human anatomy. The CT Technologist performs various diagnostic procedures under the supervision of a licensed radiologist or in most cases, a licensed technologist. In order to produce quality images, the CT Technologist must be able to work effectively with patients and health professionals, operate sophisticated computer equipment and observe radiation protection measures.

First Semester

CTMT 1291 Special Topics in Computed Tomography 2
CTMT 2336 Computed Tomography Equipment and Methodology 3
RADR 2340 Sectional Anatomy for Medical Imaging 3
CTMT 2460 Clinical I (Computed Tomography)11 4
CTMT 2461 Clinical II (Computed Tomography)11 4

* Identifies Capstone course
11CTMT 2460 and 2461 Clinical (CT) must be completed through Galveston College in order to receive a certificate in
CT. With completion of CTMT 2460 and 2461, you will be able to sit for the ARRT CT registry

In keeping with the mission and goals of Galveston College, the Computed Tomography program is dedicated to providing a comprehensive, competency based Computed Tomography curriculum to prepare the graduates with the entry level skills needed to provide quality procedures, superior patient care, and knowledge needed to successfully pass the national ARRT registry on the first attempt as well as to encourage the need for continued lifelong learning.

All prospective candidates who wish to be admitted to the Computed Tomography Technology program should contact the Program Director.

Applicant must:

1. Complete the requirements for admission to the College. (Admission to the College does not guarantee

admission to the program.)

1.  Requirements to the College include:

a. Application for Admissions & Residence Questionnaire.

b. Official transcripts from all Colleges and Universities attended.

c. Bacterial Meningitis vaccination for all on campus and hybrid course offerings (under the age of 22).

2. All Program applicants must show proof of:

a. A GPA of 2.5 or higher from an Accredited Medical Radiography Program, Nuclear Medicine or

Radiation Therapy Program.

b. Be a graduate of a two year accredited Medical Radiography Program in ionizing radiation, ARRT Certification in Radiography, Radiation Therapy or Nuclear Medicine.

c. Be a Registered Technologist by the start of the program.

3. Submit a program application to the Program Director.

Applications that are submitted after the deadline will

be reviewed at the discretion of the Selection Committee. Due to limited enrollment, we cannot accept every applicant. Applicants not admitted to the program must re-apply each semester. Successful applicants will be

notified by mail or email of acceptance to the program.

4. The Application deadlines are:

• June 15th for the Fall Semester

• October 1st  for the Spring Semester 

• April 1st for the Summer Semester

Do not wait for a Student ID# from Admissions. Fill in what you can and submit right away.*

5. Upon acceptance to the CT program you will be required to submit the following:

a. A copy of current Texas Department of Health certification and ARRT certificate in the Allied Health Office.

b. Submit a current copy of an American Heart Health Care Provider level CPR and maintain certification though out their course of study.

c. Complete the Application for Graduation Form. (If completing 16 hrs.)

d. Complete the Change of Program Form (Mandatory)

e. Complete a clear drug screening test and Background check at students cost as directed by the Program Director. (Instructions to follow acceptance) (If taking Clinic)

g. Students attending clinic must submit a “passport style” photo electronically along with the CT program application.

* See welcome letter from Admissions or CT Program acceptance letter for submission instructions.

Any student choosing to substitute the RADR 2340: Sectional Anatomy for Imaging Professionals must submit the
Course Substitution Form /images/gc/AH/CT/CT-Course Substitution.pdf at the start of the program along with a
course description of the course where previously taken. It is highly recommended that although taken previously, you
consider taking this course with the program. It is a very detailed course and it may improve your chances of passing
the national registry or serve as a refresher course for the national registry.

Course work from another program will be evaluated on an individual basis by the Program Director. A grade of “C” or
better is required on all transferred prerequisite, general education and program specific courses. Transfer students from another program will be admitted on a space-available basis. Prospective transfer students will not be allowed to take clinics only.
Transfer students must:
1. Complete admission requirements to Galveston College as well as the program.
2. Submit course syllabi for review, if requested by Program Director.
3. Agree to complete a Disclosure of Information Form.

  • Diagnostic Radiological Technologist
  • Radiology/CT Technologist
  • CT Technologist
  • CT Technologist / Computed Tomography
  • CT Tech

Depending on a number of factors, including geographic location, duties of employment and their own personal qualities, graduates can reasonably expect entry level salaries ranging from $46,000 to $52,000 per year.

Course Catalog Information

Next Steps

Start the convenient online application process @ DynamicForms.

Apply Online


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Rayssa Salinas

Phone 409-944-1270