Galveston College Allied Health

Magnetic Resonance Imaging

Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) is a medical imaging modality that utilizes powerful magnetic fields and radio frequencies to produce detailed images of a patient’s internal structures and organs. MRI offers excellent contrast between pathological and normal tissues, making it particularly valuable in neurological, musculoskeletal, and cardiovascular imaging. 

MRI Technologists operate sophisticated MRI machines to capture detailed images of the body. Their responsibilities include explaining the procedure to patients, ensuring proper positioning of patients for imaging, and maintaining patient safety and comfort throughout the procedure.  Additionally, MRI Technologists work closely with radiologists and other healthcare professionals to provide high-quality images essential for accurate diagnoses.



Name Hong Mai
Title MRI Instructor
Room HS - 311
Program Area
Allied Health
Phone 409-944-1497
Email [email protected]
Admin Support

Elizabeth IIes




Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) is a post-associate degree certificate program offered by Galveston College. This program is designed for cross-trained professionals such as Radiographers, Nuclear Medicine Technologists, Ultrasound Technologists, and Radiation Therapists.

The program is a 12-month certificate program, with an acceptance of fall and spring semesters of each year. Upon completion of the 31-credit hour curriculum and fulfillment of clinical requirements mandated by the American Registry of Radiologic Technologists (ARRT), students will be eligible to sit for the ARRT MRI registry exam.

In addition to supporting the mission and goals of Galveston College, the mission of the Magnetic Resonance Imaging program is to provide quality instructions and clinical education in an environment conducive to student success. The program is committed to preparing competent entry-level professionals who deliver high-quality imaging services, foster ethical and compassionate behavior, and pursue opportunities for professional development and career growth.

  • Certificate – Magnetic Resonance Imaging

Applicants must complete the requirements for admission to the College.  Admission to the college does not guarantee admission to the program.

  1. Requirements to the college:
    1. Application for Admission
    2. Official transcripts from all Colleges and/or Universities attended.
    3. Bacterial Meningitis vaccination for all on-campus and hybrid course offerings (under the age of 22).
  2. Academic Requirements:
    1. An overall G.P.A. of 2.5 or higher from an accredited Radiologic Health Science Program.
    2. Be a graduate of a two-year accredited Radiologic Health Science Program in Radiography, Radiation Therapy, Nuclear Medicine, or Sonography.
    3. Be a registered technologist with ARRT, NMTCB, or ARDMS by the start of the program.
  3. Program Applications:
    1. Submit a program application online prior to the deadline.
    2. Program applications are accepted twice per year. Application deadlines are:
      • June 15th of each year for Fall semester
      • October 1st of each year for Spring semester
    3. Submit the following documents along with the program application:
      • Current Texas Medical Board certification
      • Current ARRT, NMTCB or ARDMS certificate
      • Current CPR American Heart Association (AHA) Basic Life Support (BLS) for Healthcare Providers
    4. Applications submitted after the deadline will be reviewed at the discretion of the Selection Committee. Due to limited enrollment, we cannot accept every applicant. Applicants not admitted to the program must re-apply each semester. Successful applicants will be notified by e-mail of acceptance to the program.
  4. Acceptance to the Program: Admission to the MRI program for declared students is provisional until the following requirements are met.
    1. Documentations of the following immunizations are completed:
      • Hepatitis B series
      • Tetanus, Diphtheria, & Pertussis (TDaP)
      • Rubeola, Measles, Mumps (MMR)
      • Varicella or show proof of illness
      • Tuberculosis (TB) Test
    2. Complete a background check through Galveston College, at the student’s expense, upon acceptance into the program.
    3. Complete a drug screening test through Galveston College, at the student’s expense, upon acceptance into the program. 
    4. Proof of health insurance.

Course work from another program will be evaluated on an individual basis by the Program Director. A grade of “C” or better is required on all transferred prerequisite, general education and program specific courses. Transfer students from another program will be admitted on a space-available basis.

Transfer students must:

  1. Complete admission requirements to Galveston College as well as the Program admission criteria.
  2. Submit course syllabi for review, if requested by program coordinator.
  3. Agree to a complete a disclosure of information form.

Course Substitution:

Any student choosing to substitute the RADR 2340; Sectional Anatomy for Imaging Professionals must submit the Course Substitution Form at the start of the Program along with a course description of the course where previously taken. It is highly recommended that although taken previously, you consider taking this course with the Program. It is a very detailed course and it can improve your chances of passing the national registry or serve as a refresher course for the national registry.

MRI technologist can work in various clinical environments such as hospitals, imaging centers, and outpatient facilities. For those who want to advance into other areas, opportunities exist in administration, research education, and sales. 

The outlook for employment as an MRI technologist is good. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, it is expected to grow 8% from 2022 to 2032, faster than the average for all occupations.

Entry level MRI technologist salary is approximately $70,000 per year.

Course Catalog Information


Next Steps

Start the convenient online application process @ DynamicForms.

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Hong Mai

Phone: 409-944-1497